Our Opportunities

Welcome to the San Francisco State University Scholarship website! The scholarships listed below are San Francisco State University scholarships offered by various colleges, departments, and offices. Click the scholarship name to learn more about the opportunity.

TO APPLY FOR or be considered for nomination/recruitment based campus scholarships, click the “Sign In” button to begin. You must have a SF State ID number to be able to sign in and begin your scholarship application. Once you complete the General Application, scholarships that are currently “open” will be recommended to you if you meet the basic criteria (e.g., gpa OR class level OR major). Read the scholarship eligibility requirements and questions carefully to determine if you are qualified BEFORE applying. If a scholarship is not yet available, check with the campus office administering the scholarship to ask when the scholarship will be available to apply for.

There are some scholarship opportunities you do not have to apply for, but will be automatically matched to after you complete your General Application.

The General Application you completed will be kept until July of each year. You must complete and sign a new General Application at the beginning of the Fall semester.

You can conduct a keyword search by:

  • Specific keyword (e.g., veterans, AB540, disability, community service, single parent, etc.)
  • Major or college (e.g., enter your major into the keyword box and click search for a list of scholarships or by College – Science and Engineering, Liberal & Creative Arts, Health and Social Sciences, Business, Graduate College of Education, Ethnic Studies)
  • Enrollment status (e.g., entering or continuing)
  • Scholarship name

OR click the “Show Filters” button to search by: “Scopes” (scholarships grouped by department or office; for example, English, College of Business, Office of Student Financial Aid, Alumni Association, etc.). This is a good search to find scholarships offered to all majors or all majors within a College.

Below are fields on the individual Scholarship page and what they mean:
Enrollment Status: “Any” means entering students and continuing SF state students are eligible to apply.
Enrollment requirement: “Full-Time” means 12 units for undergraduate students and 8 units for graduate students. This is the required enrollment to receive the scholarship award.
Financial Need as determined by the FAFSA or CA Dream App:
- “Yes” means applicant must submit a FAFSA or CA Dream App and have financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid.
- “Not a Requirement” means you do not have to file a FAFSA or CA Dream App to determine financial need.
- “Must file a FAFSA” means students must file a FAFSA and students who cannot file a FAFSA are not eligible.
- Check the “Criteria” to see if you must demonstrate financial need another way.
Citizenship: “Any” means that any citizenship status may be eligible, including international students, undocumented students, and students with AB540 status

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS regarding a specific scholarship, contact the person or department listed on the scholarship opportunity page.

To view a list of external scholarships offered by outside organizations and foundations, click External under Opportunities. You cannot apply to these scholarships from this website. Click the “Visit” link for more information.

DETERMINE YOU ARE QUALIFIED BEFORE APPLYING by reading the scholarship eligibility requirements (e.g., major, gpa, enrollment requirement to receive the scholarship, other requirements as stated) and questions CAREFULLY.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,000.00 Agid Family Scholarship Endowment
Business/Education/Nursing This Scholarship is to be awarded for the...
$2,000 Bear Family Endowed Scholarship
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$1,400 Dale McKeen Award
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
Up to $5,000 ($2,500 in Fall 2025 and $2,500 in Spring 2026) Franco Family Accounting Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded for the 2025-2026 Academic Year $2,500...
Up to $15,000 ($7,500 in FA25 + $7,500 in SP26) Future Investment Fund Scholarship
This Scholarship will be awarded for Academic Year 2025-2026 (with the...
$3,000 Handlery Family Scholarship
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$1,000 Karmaka-Lelarati Surjuadaja Family Scholarship Endowment Fund
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$2,000 Leona M. Bridges Endowed Scholarship in Business
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$2,000 Linda and Nathaniel Oubre Leadership Scholarship, The
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$1,000 Loretta Doon Scholarship Endowment in Accounting
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$1,000 Martinelli Family Scholarship
Scholarship will be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester. Scholarship...
1,500 Michael Jon Alton Scholarship
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$2,500 Mitsuko Saito Duerr Scholarship
*This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$1,000 Ramsey Family Scholarship
Scholarship will be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester. Scholarship...
$2,000 SF State College of Business Scholarship
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$1,500 The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Scholarship
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Fall 2025 semester....
$10,000 total ($5,000 in FA25 + $5,000 in SP26) The You Can Do It! Scholarship Fund for Finance and Accounting Students
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year (FA25...
$6,000 ($3,000 in FA25 and $3,000 in SP26) Wallace Fund for Diversity Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded for the Fall 2025 and Spring 2026...
$0.00 Yasmyn Victoria for Social Justice Scholarship
Scholarship Award Period: This scholarship will be awarded for the FALL...
Up to $15,000 for 2 years ($3,750 per semester/$7,500 per year) Zoe Yan-Xu Muffly Scholarship Fund
This scholarship provides up to two years of funding, awarding $3,750...
$314.80 Anna V. Dorris University Scholarship
Please complete your general application and the University Scholarship...
$4,000.00 Bengier Foundation University Scholarship
Please complete your general application and the University Scholarship...
$3,000.00 Business Certificate in Ethics & Compliance Scholarship
This Scholarship is to be awarded for the Spring 2025...
$1500 Cecily Wagstaff Arellanes Memorial Scholarship
HEALTH AND SOCIAL SCIENCES This scholarship will be awarded in Fall...
1,000 Clarence Miller Musical Theatre Scholarship
LIBERAL & CREATIVE ARTS Awarding Department: School of Theatre &...
$2,000.00 Community College Transfer Honor Scholarship
Office of Student Financial Aid Scholarship awarded for the 2021-2022...
$2,500.00 Crankstart Transfer Scholarship
Office of Student Financial Aid This scholarship will be awarded for...
varies Daniel D. Feder University Scholarship
Please complete your general application and the University Scholarship...
$3,000.00 David Goldstein Memorial Scholarship in Paralegal Studies
College of Extended Learning Awarding Department: Paralegal Studies...
$800.00 Don W. Scoble Endowment Scholarship
Business Awarding Department: Economics Scholarship Intent: Support...
$600 George Feliz Memorial Scholarship in Economics
Business Scholarship will be awarded for the Fall semester Awarding...
varies Hong Kong Schools Alumni Association University Scholarship
Please complete your general application and the University Scholarship...
$1500 Joan Cummerton Social Work Endowed Scholarship
HEALTH AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Scholarship will be awarded in Fall 2025. The...
$750.00 Jules Irving Scholarship
LIBERAL & CREATIVE ARTS Awarding Department: School of Theatre &...
2,000 KLM Endowed Scholarship in Theatre
Scholarship Award Period: This scholarship will be awarded for the...
varies Lilly M. Berry Scholarship Endowment in Psychology
Please complete your general application and the University Scholarship...
$5,333.33 M&L Gross Student Support Fund
This scholarship will be awarded to entering students for the upcoming...
$2,272.73 Michael and Lynn Patner Scholarship Fund
This scholarship will be awarded for the FALL semester. Awarding...
$1500 - $4000 Osher Reentry Scholarship
Office of Student Financial Aid This scholarship will be awarded for the...
$2,000 per year for up to four years Robert and Joyce Corrigan SF Promise Endowed Scholarship
Alumni Association Scholarship will be disbursed in the upcoming fall...
$1,000.00 Smith & Zirker-Smith Family Student Housing Fund
Scholarship Award Period: This scholarship will be awarded for the...
1,000.00 Susan Whipp Legacy Scholarship- Dance Scholarship Fund
LIBERAL & CREATIVE ARTS Susan Whipp Legacy Scholarship Awarding...
$500.00 Teresina Drama Scholarship
LIBERAL & CREATIVE ARTS Awarding Department: School of Theatre &...
up to 25,000 Toni K Weingarten Youth in Theatre Scholarship
LIBERAL & CREATIVE ARTS Scholarship awarded for the upcoming Academic...
$500.00 Vincent Costantino Scholarship Endowment - University Scholarship
Please complete your general application and the University Scholarship...
$500.00 Alison Won Memorial Scholarship
Health and Social Sciences This scholarship will be awarded in Spring...
$1,000 Andrew Sanders Memorial Art Scholarship
College of Liberal and Creative Arts Scholarship awarded for the Fall...
$1,000 Christine Tamblyn Memorial Scholarship
LIBERAL & CREATIVE ARTS Scholarship awarded for the Fall...
1 award, $2000 David E. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Science and Engineering Scholarship will be awarded Fall...
Varies Dietrich Becker Endowed Scholarship
The awardee must be a current continuing SFSU student when the...