Anantha Sudhakar Memorial Scholarship - Graduate Award

This scholarship will be awarded for the FALL semester.

  • Awarding Department: Asian American Studies
  • Scholarship Intent: The memorial scholarship established in honor of Associate Professor Emerita of Asian American Studies Anantha Sudhakar recognizes her deep commitment and extraordinary dedication to social justice and the education of undergraduate and graduate students. She embodied the best qualities and values of Asian American Studies and Ethnic Studies.

To learn about Dr. Anantha Sudhakar, please visit Dr. Anantha Sudhakar’s Memorial Page

Eligibility for Graduate Students:

  • Graduate students in the College of Ethnic Studies (MA in AAS and MA in Ethnic Studies) with an interest in cross racial solidarity and whose work sits at the intersections of race, gender and sexuality
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  • Students must be enrolled as full-time students in the upcoming semester

Preference will be given to students who have financial need (determined by a personal statement). Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the qualities below in their responses to the scholarship application questions. 

Scholarship recipients should demonstrate the following qualities (#1, #2, at least one from #3, and at least one from #4):

  1. A commitment to social justice and Ethnic Studies.
  2. An intention to advance cross-racial activism and amplify the voices of queer and womxn-identified communities.
  3. An academic and/or creative interest in (at least ONE of):
    a.) Asian American literature, art, activism, and culture
    b.) South Asian experience in the United States; or the intersection of Asian American Studies and gender studies, and/or queer theory
  4. Involvement in community organizing or activism whose goals are to create a just, equitable, and sustainable world for (at least one):
    a.) Asian Americans
    b.) South Asian Americans, and/or
    c.) Queer and womxn-identified folk

The work above to be done in solidarity with Indigenous peoples, Black communities, and other communities of color in the United States.

Financial Need Statement:
1. If you have a financial need, please share your circumstance in a personal statement.

  • Major: Multiple: Asian American Studies and Queer Ethnic Studies
  • Class Level: Grad: Masters/MFA
  • Enrollment Status: Continuing SF State student
  • Enrollment Requirement: Grad: 9 UNITS
  • Financial Need as determined by the FAFSA and/or CA Dream App: No
  • Citizenship: Any
  • Minimum GPA: SF State Grad GPA: 2.5
  • Contact Person:
  • Campus Address: EP 107B
  • Street Address: 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, California 94132-4011
  • Phone Number: (415) 338- 2373
  • Email:
  • Web page: Department of Asian American Studies
  • Number of Awards: Varies
  • Amount of Awards: Varies

In Memory of Dr. Anantha Sudhakar
Asian American Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. Professor Sudhakar cared deeply about people and cherished getting to know them. It made those of us who studied, worked, and made communities with her feel seen and appreciated. In that same spirit, we (a committee of her friends and colleagues) humbly ask you to SHARE THE JOURNEY THAT BROUGHT YOU TO ETHNIC STUDIES AND SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY WORK. PLEASE HIGHLIGHT: A. TWO OF YOUR FAVORITE LESSONS FROM THAT JOURNEY B. WHAT CROSS RACIAL SOLIDARITY HAS MEANT TO YOU ON THAT JOURNEY.
  2. Professor Sudhakar found and cultivated joy in many things - from literature, design and art, to reality tv, evening walks, and meals with loved ones. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE THINGS THAT BRING YOU JOY AND SUSTAIN YOU AS YOU STUDY AND WORK TO MAKE THE WORLD MORE JUST?
  3. Professor Sudhakar was proud to carry on the legacies of her grandmothers. One was deeply involved in India’s movement for independence from colonial rule. The other was a beloved storyteller and remarkably skilled at loving people for who they are. PLEASE SHARE ONE PERSON WHOSE LEGACY YOU ARE PROUD TO BE A PART OF AND WHY.
  4. Professor Sudhakar took a deeply collaborative approach to her scholarship and organizing. She lifted up the work of others. She worked together with peers, and treated success as shared. This is a little unusual, and she was loved for it. PLEASE SHARE AN EXAMPLE OF YOUR COLLABORATION WITH OTHERS IN YOUR ACADEMIC OR ORGANIZING WORK. EXPLAIN HOW THIS COLLECTIVE EFFORT STRENGTHENED THE EXPERIENCE AND/OR OUTCOME.
  5. If you have a financial need, please share your circumstance in a personal statement (150 words maximum).