Philip M. Klasky Climate Justice Scholarship

Scholarship Award Period: This scholarship will be awarded for the upcoming FALL semester.

  • Awarding Department: College of Ethnic Studies
  • Scholarship Intent: The purpose of the Philip M. Klasky Climate Justice Scholarship is to recognize and support ethnic studies students who have a commitment to climate justice and community involvement.
  • Criteria:
    Students should be in good academic standing and meet the following criteria:
    Undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Ethnic Studies that have a commitment to
    climate justice and a history of community involvement (e.g., community service, organizing, and/or
  • Major: Multiple: American Indian Studies, Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, Latina/o Studies, Race & Resistance Studies, Ethnicity & Health, Arab & Muslim Ethnicities & Diasporas Studies, Queer & Trans Ethnic Studies, Critical Mixed Race Studies, Critical Pacific Islands & Oceania Studies.
  • Class Level: Undergrad: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, & Senior; Grad: 2nd BA & Masters/MFA
  • Enrollment Status: Continuing SF State student, entering student, & currently enrolled new admit.
  • Enrollment Requirement: Undergrad: 3 UNITS; Grad: 3 UNITS.
  • Financial Need as determined by the FAFSA and/or CA Dream App: No.
  • Citizenship: Any.
  • GPA: Undergrad GPA: 2.0; Grad GPA: 2.0
  • Contact Person: Grace Yoo
  • Campus Address: EP 121
  • Street Address: 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, California 94132
  • Email:
  • Amount of Award: $1,000.00
  • Number of Awards: 1

In Memory of Philip M. Klasky
up to $1,000.00
College of Ethnic Studies, Africana Studies, Asian American Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. In an essay of at least 2 paragraphs, describe your experiences as it relates to climate justice and community service, organizing, and/or activism.