Queer Ethnic Studies Endowed Graduate Student Scholarship

Ethnic Studies
Scholarship will be awarded for the Fall semester

  • Awarding Department: Ethnic Studies
  • Scholarship Intent: This award provides support for Graduate students in good standing at San Francisco State University. Graduate student thesis must focus on the intersection of race and gender or sexuality.
  • Criteria: Preference in the award of this scholarship will be given to graduate students who have demonstrated community activism. Preference in the award of this scholarship will be given to students in the College of Ethnic studies MA program.
  • Major: Any
  • Class Level: Undergrad: N/A; Grad: Masters
  • Enrollment Status: Continuing
  • Enrollment Requirement: Undergrad: N/A; Grad: 3 UNITS
  • Financial Need as determined by the FAFSA and/or CA Dream App: Not a requirement
  • Citizenship: Any
  • GPA: HS GPA: N/A; Undergrad GPA: N/A; Grad GPA: N/A
  • Contact Person: Grace Yoo
  • Campus Address: Ethnic Studies & Psychology 121
  • Street Address: 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, California 94132
  • Phone Number: (415) 338-1693
  • Email: gracey@sfsu.edu
  • Web page: https://ethnicstudies.sfsu.edu/scholarships
  • Number of Awards: 1

College of Ethnic Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. How do you think queer ethnic studies can incite social change? (250 words)
  2. How does your graduate work/research focus on the intersection of race and gender or sexuality? (max 500 words)
  3. Upload your c.v.
  4. Please provide the name and e-mail of an individual who can provide a reference on your behalf. Your reference provider should be a professor or community leader familiar with your academic, professional and/or community work. Please be sure to communicate to the individual that you are listing them as a reference provider and give them context on the scholarship for which you are applying so they can tailor their reference.