Peter John Filanc Leadership Scholarship

Scholarship will be awarded for the Fall semester
Recipients are highly encouraged to attend the CoSE Donor Dinner in late October 2025 if the donor to their scholarship will be present.
Scholarship recipients must meet the following criteria as of the award period of Fall 2025.

  • Awarding Department: School of Engineering
  • Scholarship Intent: To provide financial support to students in Engineering.
  • Criteria:
    (1) Preference will be given to students with exceptional leadership abilities in and/or out of the classroom.
  • Major: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering
  • Class Level: Undergrad: Any; Grad: Any
  • Enrollment Status: Continuing and Entering Students
  • Enrollment Requirement: Undergrad: Half-Time (6 Units); Grad: Half-Time (4 Units)
  • Financial Need as determined by the FAFSA and/or CA Dream App: Not a Requirement
  • Citizenship: Any
  • GPA: HS GPA: N/A; Undergrad GPA: Any; Grad GPA: Any
  • Contact Person: School of Engineering
  • Campus Address: SEC 311
  • Street Address: 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, California 94132
  • Phone Number: (415) 338-1228
  • Email:
  • Web page: College of Science & Engineering
  • Number of Awards: Varies
  • *Awarded Amount: Varies

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please detail your qualifications for this scholarship, including instances where you have exhibited significant leadership and service to the School of Engineering. (500 words or less)
  2. One e-mail recommendation about your academic qualifications from ANY SFSU professor. Recommendation must be received by the application deadline.
  3. Please upload your unofficial transcript.