Jon S Galehouse Endowed Scholarship in Earth Sciences

Science and Engineering

Scholarship will be awarded Fall 2025.

Recipients are highly encouraged to attend the CoSE Donor Dinner in late October 2025 if the donor to their scholarship will be present.

Scholarship recipients must meet the following criteria as of the award period.

  • Awarding Department: School of the Environment
  • Scholarship Intent: The intent of the scholarship is to provide an annual scholarship based on academic excellence for students in the programs of Earth Sciences, Environmental Science and Geosciences.
  • Criteria: Submit a statement of approximately 1 page discussing 1). your interest in one area of Earth or environmental science and 2). in what ways this scholarship will be useful to you.
  • Major: Multiple: Earth science or environmental science, students in the blended BS/MS, or graduate students in the MS program in Geosciences
  • Class Level: Undergrad: Junior, Senior; Grad: Masters
  • Enrollment Status: Continuing and entering students can apply
  • Enrollment Requirement: Undergrad: 6 units; Grad: 4 units
  • Financial Need as determined by the FAFSA and/or CA Dream App: Not a requirement
  • Citizenship: Any
  • GPA: HS GPA: N/A; Undergrad GPA: 2.0; Grad GPA: 3.0
  • Contact Person: School of the Environment
  • Campus Address: HSS 279
  • Street Address: 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, California 94132
  • Phone Number: (415) 338-2049
  • Email:
  • Web page:
  • Number of Awards: varies

1 award, $5000
Earth and Climate Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Will you be continuing on as a student in the coming fall semester?
  2. What semester do you plan to graduate (e.g. Spring 2026)?
  3. Submit a statement of approximately 1 page discussing 1). your interest in one area of Earth or environmental science and 2). in what ways this scholarship will be useful to you.
  4. Upload all college transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable).