In memory of George and Helen Kallianis

In memory of George and Helen Kallianis

Katherine and Gaylen Eslinger established the George and Helen Kallianis Memorial Scholarship in memory of Katherine’s parents and in honor of her sisters for students in the Metro College Success Program.

George Kallianis and Helen Smrynious, Katherine’s parents, arrived in America at different stages of their lives. George arrived at the age of thirty by ship through New York. He was a Greek navy war hero, with the dream of building a business and starting a family. George later became an electrician for the shipyards. Helen, although originally born in America, was sent to Greece as a child with her young brother Niko during the Depression. Helen lived in a very economically challenged village and home without family as she lost her brother soon after she arrived in the country. Helen returned to America as a young teenager where she later met and married George. Together they built their family.

George and Helen worked hard and struggled to raise their four daughters, Katherine, Stella, Sonia and Amelia; as they lived paycheck to paycheck. Regardless of these challenges, the family shared a common thread to raise the quality of their lives, celebrate the satisfaction of accomplishments, and make a difference in society. This thread pushed the Kallianis family toward hard work, faith and education.

Although George passed away young, Helen helped sustain the family. Her daughters carried on through hard work in part time jobs while providing for their own education. This award in memory of George and Helen Kallianis recognizes promising students, especially those who have faced challenges on their path to higher education, with an opportunity to receive financial assistance as they learn and make a better life for themselves and the community.
